Thursday, September 6, 2012

Preparing for a RTW trip

The best choice I made was taking my random western route around the world rather than the seemingly more intuitive eastern path. Not only did I get to have some fun America times (as described in the last blog) and miss India and SE Asia's rainier seasons, but I get to recalibrate and prepare for the rest of the journey. Because frankly, I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing!

My time at home has been filled with all sorts of preparation. To do lists were made and abandoned several times over. A lot of thought should go into a 4 month trip. I've spent hours looking at my world atlas, perusing Lonely Planet-type websites, and sitting in bookstores lurking on the travel section. I've emailed random people for advice. I've changed bank accounts to reduce international fees. I bought exciting stuff like outlet adapters, $18 "PhD" socks to save my Scotland-murdered feet, and some goggles (So I can see sharks coming. Plus I look really cool in them! Jsk.) I even broke down and got travel insurance, I joke it's more for my mom than me. It covers elephant treks, zorbing, and skidoos, but not skydiving, heli-skiing, or trekking in Greenland. So there's that.

I also had to get an Indian visa. I'm always wary of mailing my passport and I was going to Chicago anyway, so I did it Bill O'Reilly style, did it live! What I thought would be a bureaucratic mess of lines and questions turned into a one day affair in Chicago, almost no wait time! The only obnoxious part was the arts and crafts hour of making, cutting, and pasting a picture. Screw professional passport-type pics. It worked out, though my first attempt looked somewhat terroristy.

The biggest nightmare of planning this round was how and what to pack. At least 3 months in climates ranging from the snowy mountains of New Zealand and possibly Nepal to the muggy jungles of Cambodia, from the beaches of the Cook Islands and Goa, to winter on the streets of London. Do I pack more outdoorsy type gear and skimp on the nicer clothes appropriate for going out in world class cities (as if I even own fashionable shit anyway)? Do I bring old stuff I don't mind losing? Could I possibly fit all the shoes I want to bring (maybe the least straight sentence I've uttered this week)? I feel like I left out a ton of clothes I wanted, yet my pack is bursting at the seams. I always just need to remind myself, there are stores after all in other countries dumbo.

All the other crap adds up too. Cords for this and that. Physical books. Toiletries. My fakey wallet. I'm again going pretty low-key technology-wise. I had hoped to purchase the next generation Kindle Fire, but Amazon has dragged their damn feet. I did load up my Ipod nano with 74 podcasts including Jason Whitlock musing on The Wire, TED talks, Jim Gaffigan comedy, Joe Rogan discussing Peruvian ayhuasca trips, and 24 "Stuff You Should Know" podcasts (thanks to Danny L. for introducing me to that one).  I'm set for long train or bus trips! It really is astounding that I can have 70 hours of entertainment/information plus all sorts of music on a 2"x 2" device.

If all this planning doesn't quite sound like Mike Delaney, fear not. As of now I have zero bookings for accommodations (hoping to get some for Rarotonga next). My first aid kit consists of a few bandaids, some Neosporin, and a handful of chewable Pepto Bismol. My no ATM fees debit card did not get to me in time in the mail. And despite all my research I still only have a cursory idea of what there is to do in all these countries. But that's how I prefer it. Stay flexible. This journey could lead a million different directions, so that fact is what I truly prepare for.

I finish up a few more tasks today then spend a few days celebrating in LA with close friends. Leave Sunday for Rarotonga to just park my ass on a beach for a few days. From there, New Zealand, traveling around Australia with my friend Ashley, SE Asia, India to meet Nick and Sandeep who blood oathed with me 2x that they'd make it (blood oath = pinky swear). I'm hoping to get to Nepal too. Then fly to London and if I still have energy/money, maybe explore a bit more of Europe. The quick version would have me back by Christmas. But my flight deal doesn't expire until July 23, 2013, so I reserve the right to make it longer. Should be a blast. Keep in touch and enjoy the blog (will try to put it out about once a week).

Cool runnings!


  1. I assume you've packed your skinny jeans.

  2. I like the photo of what you packed...Yes, you can borrow my book :) , and you might as well just leave it at a hostel when you're done.

    P.S. 'Round here we don't so much "pick" potatoes as dig 'em!
